


小菅研究室に1か月の間、インドネシアのスラバヤ工科大学から Anggra Ayu Rucitra先生が滞在しています。Rucitra先生はインテリアデザイン学部の講師で、現在小児がん患者の化学療法室のデザインについて博士論文を執筆中です。



Prof. Anggra Ayu Rucitra from ITS (the Institute of Technology Surabaya) Indonesia is joining Kosuge Lab for one month. Ms. Rucitra is a lecturer at the Interior Design Department and is currently writing her doctoral dissertation on the design of chemotherapy rooms for pediatric cancer patients.

On February 24, she lectured in our laboratory on the healthcare environment in Indonesia. She talked about the country, its medical payment system, the environment in which medical care is provided as well as her own research. Students asked many questions and there was a lively discussion.

She also introduced the activities of the Interior Design Department, where she teaches, and the kinds of works they are creating. She showed us detailed student research, drawings, computer graphics, and animations. It was a particularly stimulating experience for the fourth-year students in our laboratory, who had just finished their research, and it was a good opportunity for them to see what students outside Japan of the same grade were studying.


After the lecture, we posed for a group photo.
There was even a point where the camera fell over during the photo shoot...


A party was held at a Southeast Asian restaurant near the lab.
It was impressive to see the students almost crying when Prof. Rucitra recommended their extremely hot spices.


It was a very enjoyable opportunity for international exchange.
Prof. Rucitra, we hope you enjoy your stay in Japan for the next two weeks.